Here is some useful information for you.
The profession is governed by the Community Customs Code (art.112 to 119) of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) of which Cameroon is a member. Consult our glossary to find out more.
The customs administration only attributes to CAD:
- An electronic code for only approved customs brokers to collect customs declarations in order to better trace their activities;
- An access card for CAD company staff to the premises of the Single Window for Foreign Trade Operations, a window which brings together foreign trade stakeholders (banks, Customs, etc.) in the same building;
In the current state of the regulations, the use of a CAD is mandatory. However, diplomatic missions, international organizations, owners of imported used vehicles, public administrations and oil companies (with regard to their crude oil exports) are allowed to declare on their own behalf.
1. Customs regulations in Cameroon
Cameroon is part of CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa). In addition to Cameroon, CEMAC brings together a group of countries, namely Gabon, Chad, Congo, the Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea. To import products from countries outside CEMAC, the legislation provides for paying customs duties and taxes. The customs tax rate depends directly on the category of the goods. Rates can vary from 0% to 30%.
2. How do you make a customs declaration?
La déclaration en douane est obligatoire, vous avez le choix de la faire vous même ou de passer par un transitaire à Douala. Le transitaire est un spécialiste, qui est capable de vous conseiller et, de vous accompagner durant cette démarche.
Vous voulez effectuer vous même la déclaration en douane. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous rendre auprès du service des douanes de Douala, et fournir un ensemble de documents. Par ailleurs, vous devez vous acquitter des frais de manutention portuaire.
Si vous choisissez de missionner un transitaire, vous aurez, alors, votre représentant auprès des autorités douanières. Il réalisera, à votre place, les déclarations nécessaires. Vous pourrez également le missionner pour toutes les autres prestations de transport, comme la gestion du débarquement de votre chargement. Il peut également gérer les re-livraisons, dans le pays ou ailleurs.
3. Personal effects: customs clearance is mandatory
From a customs point of view, personal effects are classified as goods. Therefore, a customs declaration is mandatory on arrival at the port of Douala.
Your personal effects are considered second-hand. You are asked to assess its value. Be careful not to undervalue your load.
For personal effects, the BESC is mandatory.
4. Import a vehicle to Cameroon
For vehicles, as for any other goods, customs declaration is mandatory. It can be carried out directly at the port of Douala. The tax rate depends in particular on the category of the imported vehicle. If the vehicle is loaded, it is also obligatory to declare the loading of the vehicle to customs.
5. The BESC: electronic cargo tracking slip
All goods destined for Cameroon must be registered via an electronic cargo tracking slip. If a load is not registered, there is an infringement. Penalties are then systematically applied by the customs service. Any BESC must be validated by the National Council of Shippers of Cameroon (CNCC), and must be issued by the CNCC or its representative abroad. The BESC can be issued by a freight forwarder in Douala. In this case, the slip must be validated by the shipper in the country of departure.
Customs service contact
- Website: www.douanes.cm
- General Directorate of Customs
- Yaoundé – Bastos district (Opposite the Chinese embassy)
- infos@douanescustoms-cm.net / douanes-cam@minfi.gov.cm
- +237 222 20 25 31 / +237 222 20 25 32 / +237 222 20 25 41
- Douala: Bonanjo district